Bring Back Summer

So the warmer weather is slowly disappearing and we only have a few chances in the day to sit under our favourite Billy Fresh Outdoor Umbrella. In today’s blog I thought I would bring back a little piece of summer and showcase our favourite outdoor, summer loving, sun struck photos…

Billy Fresh Top 5 Vintage Shots

Billy Fresh are such a fan of funky, vintage and stylish shots, especially those that showcase absolutely beautiful umbrellas! Our Instagram is filled with heaps of funky photos, but today we thought we’d share our Top 5 all-time favourite vintage shots so far.

Billy Fresh | Top 5 Aussie Beaches

"BillyHave you thought about where the Billy Fresh Lifestyle can take you? Imagine kicking back, under the umbrella, on the beach, sipping a few nice mojitos and living it up in style. We've written a blog to set the scene on your closest beaches, the greatest places to take your Billy Fresh.